The Look back

Parallel and side event: Science meets Culture
HUNGER AND AFFLUENCE - A Science & Society Session of the Schering Stiftung on the topic of hunger in the affluent society

Hunger in Europe is largely hidden. Hunger has been the driving force behind European civilization, feeding our myths and tales. But for the last 60 years hunger played no role in our public discourse, neither in politics nor culture. Once a unifying, global experience, hunger has now been relegated to the economical and geographical margins. What happens to a culture that is built on hunger but has lost it?

As an addition to the International Congress Hidden Hunger 2015 the program approached the role of hunger and affluence from the perspective of cultural studies and artistic practice. These perspectives enhance the natural, medical and social science perspectives of the Congress Hidden Hunger 2015. The cultural/aesthetic aspects of food are vital for understanding and dealing with nutritional developments globally. Food is cultural and so is hunger.

HUNGER AND AFFLUENCE invited a group of 8 artists and cultural scientists to participate in the following public events:

Publishing Hunger

Artist Andreas Liebmann (D) together with students from the University of the Arts Zürich (CH) gathered statements from congress guests on their individual hunger. These statements were reformulated and mirrored back to the plenum via video projection and sound.

Date & Time: Whole days of the congress: Tuesday, March 3 until Thursday, March 5, 2015
Location: Congress venue - Mövenpick Hotel Stuttgart Airport & Messe 




» Blog: "Conference learning from surprising questions"
by Arian Berthoin Antal

» Blog: "Publishing Hunger" 
by the students from the University of the Arts Zurich (CH)

HotSPots/Krisenherd 2015A dinner-debate. Under the guidance of artist Wanja Saatkamp (D) 40 guests participated in creating a dinner together while talks were given by two invited speakers: a scholar from the HIDDEN HUNGER congress and an artist. The audience sat together at one long table and created and shared thoughts and food over the course of a meal.
Date & Time: Thursday, March 5 / 7.00 pm
Location: Theater Rampe
Two Seminars on Hunger and AffluenceFive international cultural scholars and artists – Cultural historian Prof. Frederike Felcht (Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, and J.-W.-Goethe-University, Frankfurt/Main, D), writer Yemisi Ogbe (Lagos, Nigeria); visual artist Ulf Aminde (Berlin, D), Cultural Anthropologist Sebastian Schellhaas (J.-W.-Goethe-University, Frankfurt/Main, D), researcher Gervaise Debucquet (Nantes, France) – presented introductory statements or excerpts of their work and discussed the role of hunger in affluent societies and the ties between cultural expression and nutrition.
Date & Time: Friday, March 6, 2015 / 2.00 pm and 4.00 pm
Location: Congress venue - University of Hohenheim, Euroforum
NOMA - Luxury Face (pt 2)Performance and installation by Andreas Liebmann, Dorte Holbeck (DK) and Derek Lesher (DK) about indulgence and malnutrition. The installation was developed and presented several weeks earlier in Copenhagen, home of the restaurant Noma, voted the world's best restaurant in 2014.
Date & Time: Friday, March 6, 2015 / 8.00 pm 
Location: Theater Rampe

The program was an official part of the Congress Hidden Hunger 2015 program and accessible for all congress guests as well as for general public. The Seminars were held in a central venue of  the University Hohenheim. They were open to the public. The presentations at Theater Rampe aimed at creating a social and geographic link between the congress, the scientific community and the cultural scene of the city of Stuttgart.


Supported by the


Please click here for info as to the artists


  HUNGER AND AFFLUENCE                              

In cooperation with:                  



Video presentation: "Broken Eggs in the Jeep"
The changing landscape of nutrition  interventions in contexts of rapid urbanization and infrastructure development: Nepal as a case study

Presented by David Booker (Himalaya Hilfe Freiburg e.v., Germany) and Keith P. West (John`s Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, USA) on Thursday, March 5, 2015


Best Poster Award

The congress team awarded the three best poster presentations with a prize of up to 300 €. We are delighted to announce the three presenters here:

First Poster Prize
Authors: Isabelle Aeberli, Prashant Thankachan, Anura V. Kurpad
Poster Title: Obesity is associated with reduced iron status and increased hepcidin concentrations in women in Southern India  

Second Poster Prize
Authors: Fanny Sandalinas, Aaron Wise, Kou Baawo, Katherine Faigao, Robert Johnston, David Thurnham, Roland Kupka
Poster Title: Adjustment of indicators of iron and vitamin A status in a nationally representative sample of Liberian children

Third Poster Prize
Authors: M.R.R. Talukder, M. Rahman, D.M.D. Hogue
Poster Title: Antenatal use of iron supplement in geographically diverse areas of Bangladesh: lessons for maternal health interventions

Congratulations to the winners!


1.) Book:

For further info related to the book please click below:


2.) Summary Report:

To download the Summary Report please click below:


3.) Publications in the media:


Journal Articles (in English):

"How to combat hidden hunger?" by Beate Wörner, Rural21, 24.03.2015 (also see here)

"International Nutrition Conference: hunger and malnutrition a global challenge" by Andrea Sonntag, Rural21, 20.12.2014 (also see here)


Radio Contributions (in German):

"Vitamin A aus Mais kommt im Körper an" by Katrin Zöfel, Deutschlandfunk, 27.05.2015

"Das Mysterium Eisenmangel" by Katrin Zöfel, Deutschlandfunk, 16.04.2015

"Nahrungsergänzungsmittel bei Frühchen" by Katrin Zöfel, Deutschlandfunk, 09.03.2015 

"Auf den Tisch kommt, was günstig ist" by Thomas Wagner, Deutschlandfunk, 06.03.2015 

"Versteckter Hunger" by Thomas Wagner, Deutschlandfunk, 04.03.2015

"Mangelernährung und Übergewicht - Hunger im 21. Jahrhundert hat ein neues Gesicht" by Sabine Schütze, SWR1, 20.11.2014 


Newspaper Articles (in German):

"Hunger gibt es, wo man ihn nicht vermutet" by Tanja Volz, Stuttgarter Zeitung, 04.03.2015


Press Releases (in German): 

"Internationaler Kongress zum Thema unsichtbarere Hunger" by BLE (Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung), 12.03.2015


Press Releases (in English):

"Making HIdden Hunger Visible: Childhood Development and Long-term Prospects for Society and Economy" by SEARCA, April 2015

"Africa: Data gaps make malnutrition too easy to ignore" by Andrea Rinaldi, 16.03.2015

"Data gaps make malnutrition too easy to ignore" by IFPRI, 16.03.2015

"Putting agricultural biodiversity back on the nutrition agenda" by kkeeton, CGIAR, March 13, 2015

"Save the date. Because being full isn`t enough" 
by F. Klebs, University of Hohenheim, December 8, 2014

"Hidden Hunger Congress: Major Conference on malnutrition in Poor and Rich Countries" 
by F. Klebs, University of Hohenheim